编辑于: 2023-06-16 17:16
POST /promotion/push HTTP/1.1 URL: {{endpoint}}/promotion/push Authorization: Bearer 53ac07777cdffac2d53000002d698728ce964432d7167596bc005c5fc Accept-Encoding: gzip Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "hotelPromotion": { "hotelId": "100001", "supplierId": "Hilton", "multiPromotionsStrategy": "Sequence", "promotions": [ { "promoteCode": "XXXX", "promoteName": "Mid-Annual Promotion", "description": "Stay 4 nights and get 1 night for free", "status": "Actived", "isCoupon": false, "sequence": 1, "productCandidates": [ { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01" } ], "bookWindow": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04", "eachDayStartTime": "00:00:00", "eachDayEndTime": "12:00:00", "excludedDate": [ "2018-01-02", "2018-01-02" ] }, "stayWindow": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04", "weekdays": "1111111", "excludedDate": [ "2018-01-02", "2018-01-03" ] }, "promoteType": "FreeNight", "basicDiscount": { "discountType": "Percent", "discountValue": 10, "rateApplied": false, "rateApplyOn": "AmountAfterTax", "addOnDescription": "a welcome drink, hot spring, shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask to hotel reception while checking-in", "restriction": { "minStayThrough": 1, "maxStayThrough": 4, "minRoomPerOrder": 0, "maxRoomPerOrder": 0 } }, "freeNight": { "stayNight": 4, "freeNight": 1, "recurring": true, "freeNightType": "LastNight", "rateApplied": false, "rateApplyOn": "AmountAfterTax", "addOnDescription": "a welcome drink, hot spring, shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask to hotel reception while checking-in", "restriction": { "minRoomPerOrder": 0, "maxRoomPerOrder": 0 } }, "lastMinute": { "discount": { "discountType": "Percent", "discountValue": 10 }, "rateApplied": false, "rateApplyOn": "AmountAfterTax", "addOnDescription": "a welcome drink, hot spring, shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask to hotel reception while checking-in", "restriction": { "minStayThrough": 1, "maxStayThrough": 4, "minAdvanceHour": 0, "maxAdvanceHour": 0, "minRoomPerOrder": 0, "maxRoomPerOrder": 0 } }, "earlyBooker": { "discount": { "discountType": "Percent", "discountValue": 10 }, "rateApplied": false, "rateApplyOn": "AmountAfterTax", "addOnDescription": "a welcome drink, hot spring, shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask to hotel reception while checking-in", "restriction": { "minStayThrough": 1, "maxStayThrough": 4, "minAdvanceDay": 0, "minRoomPerOrder": 0, "maxRoomPerOrder": 0 } }, "fixedPrice": { "type": "OccupancyRate", "occupancyRate": { "rate": [ { "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "amountBeforeTax": 502.19, "amountAfterTax": 623.23 } ] }, "commonRate": { "amountBeforeTax": 502.19, "amountAfterTax": 623.23 }, "rateApplied": false, "addOnDescription": "a welcome drink, hot spring, shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask to hotel reception while checking-in", "restriction": { "minStayThrough": 1, "maxStayThrough": 4, "minAdvanceDay": 0, "maxAdvanceDay": 0, "minAdvanceHour": 0, "maxAdvanceHour": 0, "minRoomPerOrder": 0, "maxRoomPerOrder": 0 } }, "giftPackage": { "description": "an extra dinner as gift is including in the price, please ask to hotel reception while checking-in", "restriction": { "minStayThrough": 1, "maxStayThrough": 4, "minRoomPerOrder": 0, "maxRoomPerOrder": 0 } }, "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 0, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] }, "mealPlan": "RO", "extensions": { "userName": "username", "password": "password" } } ] }, "extension": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
属性 | 类型 | 必传字段? | 描述 | 示例 |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | 最大长度:32 酒店集团 ID | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | 最大长度:32 渠道 ID | GTA |
@version | string | Yes | 最大长度:20 API版本 | v4 |
@token | string | Yes | 最大长度:64 用于标识请求和响应的唯一ID,通常应为UUID | 18393849028490234 |
hotelPromotion | / | Yes | / | / |
@hotelId | string | Yes | 酒店代码 | 100001 |
@supplierId | string | Yes | 酒店集团 ID | HILTON |
multiPromotionsStrategy | enum | Yes | 枚举:[Sequence,LowestPrice] 指示当有多个促销可用时用于选择促销的策略。如果是序列,则将在促销详细信息中为每个促销提供序列值。 | Sequence |
hotelPromotion/promotions | / | Yes | / | / |
@promoteCode | string | Yes | 促销代码,可用于预订和实时检查中请求的@promoteCode。 | / |
@promoteName | string | No | 促销名称 | Mid-Annual Promotion |
@description | string | No | 促销说明 | Stay 4 nights and get 1 night for free |
@status | enum | Yes | 枚举:[Actived,Deactived] 促销状态 | Actived |
@isCoupon | boolean | Yes |
该标志指示是否是需要@promoteCode的优惠券促销。 对于拉模式的渠道,当从 GO 拉取 ARI 时,GO 将应用这些促销规则并计算到房价中。只有“isCoupon”=false的促销才会被视为进行多可用性检查时要应用的候选项。 | false |
@sequence | integer | No | 从0开始。当@multiplePromotionsStrategy为Sequence时,它是必需的。如果有多个促销活动,则会选择序列号最大的促销活动。如果为空,则默认值为0。 | 1 |
promotions/productCandidates | / | Yes | 要应用于当前促销的产品列表。 | / |
@roomId | string | Yes | 房型代码 | K1D |
@rateId | string | Yes | 价格计划代码 | ODAD01 |
promotions/bookWindow | object | No | 此促销可预订日期的日期范围。如果预订窗口没有限制,请将其留空。时间以酒店当地时间为准。 | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | 开始日期,格式为yyyy-MM-dd | 2018-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | 结束日期,格式为yyyy-MM-dd | 2018-01-01 |
@eachDayStartTime | string | No | 每日促销开始时间 格式为“HH:MM:SS” | 00:00:00 |
@eachDayEndTime | string | No | 每日促销结束时间 格式为“HH:MM:SS”。如果在一天内的特定时间范围内预订窗口没有限制,请将eachDayStartTime和eachDayEndTime都留空。 这意味着当eachDayEndTime早于eachDayStartTime时,预订时间范围跨越一天。 | 12:00:00 |
@excludedDate | array[string] | No | 不可预订的日期,格式为yyyy-MM-dd | [ "2018-01-02", "2018-01-02" ] |
promotions/stayWindow | object | Yes | 可入住的日期范围。时间以酒店当地时间为准。 | / |
@startDate | string | Yes | 开始日期,格式为yyyy-MM-dd | 2018-01-01 |
@endDate | string | Yes | 结束日期,格式为yyyy-MM-dd | 2018-01-01 |
@weekdays | string | No | 客户可以在一周中入住的特定日期进行此促销。每个自然周从周日开始SMTWTFS,1表示允许入住,0表示不可入住。例如,仅在周五和周六入住的促销将显示为0000011。如果为空,则默认值为1111111。 | 1111111 |
@excludedDate | array[string] | No | 不可入住的日期,格式为yyyy-MM-dd | [ "2018-01-02", "2018-01-02" ] |
promotions/promoteType | enum | Yes | Enum:[BasicDiscount,FreeNight,LastMinute,EarlyBooker,FixedPrice,GiftPackage] 促销类型。只能选择其中一个枚举。仅应用相应促销类型内的设置。 | FreeNight |
promotions/basicDiscount | object | No | / | / |
@discountType | enum | Yes | 枚举:[Percent, Fix] 低于原价的固定金额或百分比 | / |
@discountValue | string | Yes | 折扣值,可以是固定折扣或根据折扣类型的百分比折扣。 | 10 |
@rateApplied | boolean | Yes | 标示房价是否已经应用此折扣 | false |
@rateApplyOn | enum | No | 枚举:[AmountAfterTax,AmountBeforeTax] 如果@rateApplied为false,则此字段必填。 AmountAfterTax:基于税后价计算 AmountBeforeTax:基于税前价计算 | AmountAfterTax |
@addOnDescription | string | No | 提供额外的礼物、服务等 | A welcome drink, hot spring, and shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask for hotel reception while checking in. |
basicDiscount/restriction | object | No | / | / |
@minStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最少入住几晚才能享受此折扣,零表示没有限制。 | 1 |
@maxStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最多入住几晚才能享受此折扣,零表示无限制 | 4 |
@minRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最少需要预订的房间数 | / |
@maxRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最多可预订的房间数 | / |
promotions/freeNight | object | No | / | / |
@stayNight | integer | Yes | / | 4 |
@freeNight | integer | Yes | / | 1 |
@recurring | boolean | Yes | 标示此促销活动是否在整个入住期间是否重复适用。例如,如果是住四免一,如果连住八晚,true 值的话,则二晚免费,false 值则为一晚 | true |
@freeNightType | string | Yes | 枚举:[FirstNight,LastNight] 以“住宿4晚,免费1晚”为例,允许此促销规则重复适用的话,LastNight 值,则表示第4晚和第8晚将免费。 | LastNight |
@rateApplied | boolean | Yes | 标示房价是否已经应用此促销规则 | false |
@rateApplyOn | enum | No | 枚举:[AmountAfterTax,AmountBeforeTax] 如果@rateApplied为false,则此字段必填。 AmountAfterTax:基于税后价计算 AmountBeforeTax:基于税前价计算 | AmountAfterTax |
@addOnDescription | string | No | 提供额外的礼物、服务等 | A welcome drink, hot spring, and shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask for hotel reception while checking in. |
freeNight/restriction | object | No | / | / |
@minRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 最少预订几间房 | / |
@maxRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 最多预订几间房 | / |
promotions/lastMinute | object | No | 为最后一刻预订者提供的促销活动 | / |
lastMinute/discount | object | Yes | / | / |
@discountType | enum | Yes | 枚举:[[Percent, Fix]] | Fix |
@discountValue | number | Yes | 折扣值,可以是固定折扣或根据折扣类型的百分比折扣。 | 10 |
lastMinute/rateApplied | boolean | Yes | 标示房价是否已经应用此促销规则 | false |
lastMinute/rateApplyOn | enum | No | 枚举:[AmountAfterTax,AmountBeforeTax] 如果@rateApplied为false,则此字段必填。 AmountAfterTax:基于税后价计算 AmountBeforeTax:基于税前价计算 | AmountAfterTax |
lastMinute/addOnDescription | string | No | 这里可以提供额外的礼物、服务或附加组件。 | A welcome drink, hot spring, shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask for hotel reception while checking-in. |
lastMinute/restriction | ojbect | Yes | / | / |
@minStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最少入住几晚才能享受此折扣,零表示没有限制。 | 1 |
@maxStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最多入住几晚才能享受此折扣,零表示没有限制。 | 4 |
@minAdvanceHour | integer | No | 最少提前多少小时预订,时间数可以超过23小时 | / |
@maxAdvanceHour | integer | Yes | 最多允许提前多少小时预订,时间数可以超过23小时 | / |
@minRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最少需要预订的房间数 | / |
@maxRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最多允许预订的房间数 | / |
promotions/earlyBooker | object | No | 早鸟价 | / |
earlyBooker/discount | ojbect | No | / | / |
@discountType | enum | Yes | 枚举:[[Percent, Fix]] 低于原价的固定金额或百分比 |
@discountValue | string | Yes | 折扣值,可以是固定折扣或根据折扣类型的百分比折扣。 | 10 |
earlyBooker/rateApplied | boolean | Yes | 标示房价是否已经应用此促销规则 | false |
earlyBooker/rateApplyOn | enum | No | 枚举:[AmountAfterTax,AmountBeforeTax] 如果@rateApplied为false,则此字段必填。 AmountAfterTax:基于税后价计算 AmountBeforeTax:基于税前价计算 | AmountAfterTax |
earlyBooker/addOnDescription | string | No | 提供额外的礼物、服务等 | A welcome drink, hot spring, and shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask for hotel reception while check-in. |
earlyBooker/restriction | object | No | / | / |
@minStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最少住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | 1 |
@maxStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最多住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | 4 |
@minAdvanceDay | integer | Yes | 客人最少提前几天预订才能享受此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
@minRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最少预订几间房 | / |
@maxRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最多预订几间房 | / |
promotions/fixedPrice | object | No | 使用固定价格替代原价 | / |
@type | object | Yes | 枚举:[OccupancyRate,CommonRate] 标示要使用的费率模型,OccupancyRate或CommonRate。 | OccupancyRate |
fixedPrice/occupancyRat | / | / | / | / |
occupancyRate / rate | / | / | / | / |
@adultCount | integer | Yes | / | 1 |
@childCount | integer | No | / | 2 |
@amountBeforeTax | number | No | / | 522 |
@amountAfterTax | number | No | / | 566 |
fixedPrice/commonRate | / | No | / | / |
@amountBeforeTax | number | No | / | 522 |
@amountAfterTax | number | No | / | 566 |
fixedPrice/rateApplied | boolean | Yes | 标示房价是否已经应用此促销规则 | false |
fixedPrice/addOnDescription | string | No | 提供额外的礼物、服务等 | Welcome drink, hot spring, shuttle bus are included in this promotion, please ask for hotel reception while check-in. |
fixedPrice/restriction | object | No | / | / |
@minStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最少住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | 1 |
@maxStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最多住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | 4 |
@minAdvanceDay | integer | No | 客人最少提前几天预订才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
@maxAdvanceDay | integer | No | 客人最多提前几天预订才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
@minAdvanceHour | integer | No | 客人最少提前多少小时才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
@maxAdvanceHour | integer | No | 客人最少提前多少小时才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
@minRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最少预订几间房才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
@maxRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最多预订几间房才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
promotions/giftPackage | object | No | / | / |
@description | string | No | 价格中包含额外的晚餐作为礼物,入住时请在酒店前台询问。 | / |
giftPackage/restriction | object | No | / | / |
@minStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最多住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | 1 |
@maxStayThrough | integer | No | 客人最多住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | 4 |
@minRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最多住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
@maxRoomPerOrder | integer | No | 客人最多住几晚才能使用此促销,零表示没有限制。 | / |
promotions/cancelPolicy | object | No | 取消政策定义了当客人在特定提前时间范围内取消预订时将收取的罚款。 | / |
@code | string | Yes | 最大长度:128 取消政策代码 | AD100P_100P |
@description | string | No | 最大长度:1024 取消策略的描述 | Non Refundable |
cancelPolicy/cancelPenalties | array | Yes | 取消处罚详情 | / |
@noShow | boolean | Yes | 如果为true,表示“未入住”,则cancellable,cancelDeadline 字段为空 | / |
@cancellable | boolean | No | 是否允许取消。如果为false,则无法取消。如果为true,cancelDeadline将存在。 | / |
cancelPenalties/cancelDeadline | / | No | / | / |
@offsetTimeDropType | enum | No | 一种枚举类型,指示最后期限删除时间何时生效。 枚举:[BeforeArrival] | / |
@offsetTimeUnit | enum | No | 枚举:[D,H] | / |
@offsetTimeValue | number | No | 时间数 | / |
@deadline | string | No | 允许取消的酒店本地截止时间,如下午4点、下午6点。 | / |
cancelPenalties/penaltyCharge | / | Yes | / | / |
@chargeBase | enum | No | 如果是FullStay,则为百分比或金额;如果是NightBase,则需要通过 nights 节点提供间夜数。 枚举:[FullStay,NightBase] | / |
@nights | number | No | 如果罚款是基于当晚,如第一晚,则存在。 | / |
@amount | number | No | 如果罚款是固定费用,如30.00美元,则存在。 | / |
@percent | number | No | 如果罚款为%,则存在,如15.5表示15.5%。 | / |
promotions/mealPlan | string | No | 餐食代码,参考标准 meal plan code list. 它将覆盖原始的产品膳食计划。 | RO |
promotions/extensions | object | No | 用于额外属性或参数等 | {"key1": "value1"} |
extension | object | No | 用于额外属性或参数等 | {"key1": "value1"} |
- 成功响应(HTTP状态200)
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "hotelId": "GATHI", "extension": { "userName": "username", "password": "password" } }
- 错误响应(HTTP状态500)
{ "errorCode": "string", "errorMessage": "string" }
属性 | 类型 | 必传字段? | 描述 | 示例 |
header | object | Yes | / | / |
@supplierId | string | Yes | 最大长度:32 酒店集团 ID | HILTON |
@distributorId | string | Yes | 最大长度:32 渠道 ID | GTA |
@version | string | Yes | 最大长度:20 API版本 | v4 |
@token | string | Yes | 最大长度:64 用于标识请求和响应的唯一ID,通常应为UUID | 18393849028490234 |
hotelId | string | Yes | 酒店代码 | GATHI |
extension | object | No | 用于额外属性或参数等 | {"key": "value"} |
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