产品 Addon API 升级指南
编辑于: 2024-04-22 15:49
渠道可以调用产品 Addon 接口获取 Addon 详细信息,调用 live-check 对其可预订检查。并在随后的订单预订中打包 Addon 产品。
GO的版本 | 版本要求 | 备注 |
GO v3 渠道 | 全新开发 GO v4.8 及以上 | / |
GO v4 渠道 | 升级到 GO v4.8 及以上 | 以下是需要升级或实现的API 1.酒店产品API 2.产品 Addon API(新) 3.房间实时检查API 4.订单预订前检查 API 5.订单预订 API 6.订单修改 API(可选) 7.订单详情查询 API(可选) |
- 渠道通过酒店API获取产品附加码和产品。
- 渠道过产品 Addon API获取产品插件详细信息(包括价格和限制)。
- 渠道通过Product Addon availability API从酒店供应商处获得实时可用性。
- 渠道通过Prebook API最终检查产品插件的可用性以及房间。
- 渠道通过book API预订产品插件和房间。
- 渠道通过modify API修改产品插件和房间。
- 渠道通过cancel API取消产品插件和房间。
- 渠道通过Query Res API获取特定预订的产品插件详细信息。
有6个API需要升级到v4.8才能支持产品 Addon
- 酒店产品 API
- 房间可预订检查API
- 订单预订前检查 API
- 订单预订 API
- 订单修改 API(可选)
- 查询订单详情 API(可选)
小贴士: 更改后的部分已标记为“Addon start here”和“Addon end”。
1.酒店产品API-将从酒店产品API返回产品 Addon 代码
{ "hotelId": "GATHI", "hotelName": "This is a test hotel", "supplierId": "HILTON", "status": "Actived", "chainCode": "Marriott", "brandCode": "Waldorf", "longitude": "41.40338", "latitude": "2.17403", "city": "string", "country": "string", "state": "string", "address": [ "AddressLine1", "AddressLine2", "AddressLine3", "AddressLine4", "AddressLine5" ], "phone": { "countryAccessCode": "string", "areaCityCode": "string", "phoneNumber": "string" }, "settings": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }, "ariType": "Daily", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "rateType": "AmountBeforeTax", "maxChildAge": 17, "childRateType": "ByAge", "products": [ { "roomId": "10000101", "rateId": "123456", "stayType": "OverNightRoom", "status": "Actived", "roomName": "Double Room", "roomDescription": "Soak in city views in our Deluxe room, which features a well-appointed ensuite bathroom and up-to-date entertainment offerings.", "rateName": "Bar Rate", "rateDescription": "Begin your day with a hearty meal.", "occupancy": { "maxAdult": 3, "maxChild": 2, "maxOccupancy": 3 }, "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "cancelPolicies": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04" }, "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 0, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ], "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], //addon start here "bookingChannels": [ "channel", "channel" ], "sourceMarkets": [ "region", "region" ], "productAddons": [ { "type": "DisneyTicket", "required": true, "candidateCodes": [ "code", "code" ] } ] //addon end } ] }
2.Room Live Check API-将bookingChannel节点添加到请求中
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "hotelId": "GATHI", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2018-01-01", "checkout": "2018-01-04" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "productCandidate": { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01" }, "iata": "string", "loyaltyAccount": { "programCode": "BW", "accountId": "1234567890123457" }, "corpAccount": { "corpProgramCode": "CR", "corpId": "A-1232" }, "isAfterPromotion": false, "promoteCode": "string", //addon start here "bookingChannel": "string", //addon end here "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
3. Prebook API-产品 Addon 将与客房预订一起提供。
注意事项: ① 产品 Addon 的价格不包括在客房总价中。 ② 对于迪士尼的房间+门票预订,门票数量必须与入住人数相同,否则订单将无法成功。此外,对于多张票的预订,每张票的入场日期应相同。 ③ 对于迪士尼的预订,建议客人信息的数量与入住人数保持一致,客人的年龄应准确,以便迪士尼更好地为客人服务。
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "reservationIds": { "distributorResId": "C2084DFL0", "derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF", "supplierResId": "89389494" }, "iata": "string", "hotelId": "GATHI", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2018-01-01", "checkout": "2018-01-04" }, "contactPerson": { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Bond", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "string", "address": "string" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "total": { "amountBeforeTax": 640, "amountAfterTax": 700 }, "payment": { "cardCode": "VI", "cardNumber": "4111111111111111", "cardHolderName": "Sherlock Holmes", "expireDate": "0124" }, "loyaltyAccount": { "programCode": "BW", "accountId": "1234567890123457" }, "corpAccount": { "corpProgramCode": "CR", "corpId": "A-1232" }, "promoteCode": "string", "guests": [ { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Bond", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "string", "address": "string", "age": 0, "gender": "Male", "birthday": "2018-01-01", "type": "Adult", "index": 1 } ], "comments": [ "no smoking", "high floor" ], "roomRates": [ { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01", "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": [ 100, 100, 120 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 110, 110, 130 ], "mealPlan": "RO", "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 0, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ], //addon start here "bookingChannel": "string", "productAddons": [ { "type": "DisneyTicket", "code": "code", "date": "2018-01-01", "quantity": 1, "officeId": "string", "rate": { "ageQualifyingType": { "type": "Adult", "minAge": 18, "maxAge": 99 }, "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": 123.23, "amountAfterTax": 134.34 } } ], //addon end "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
4.订单API- 订单预订请求中包含产品 Addon 信息。
注意事项: ① 客房总价不包含产品 Addon 的价格。 ② 对于迪士尼的房间+门票预订,门票数量必须与入住人数相同,否则订单将无法成功。此外,对于多张票的预订,每张票的入场日期应相同。 ③ 对于迪士尼的预订,建议客人数量与入住人数保持一致,客人的年龄应准确,以便迪士尼更好地为客人服务。
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "reservationIds": { "distributorResId": "C2084DFL0", "derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF", "supplierResId": "89389494" }, "iata": "string", "hotelId": "GATHI", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2018-01-01", "checkout": "2018-01-04" }, "contactPerson": { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Bond", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "string", "address": "string" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "total": { "amountBeforeTax": 640, "amountAfterTax": 700 }, "payment": { "cardCode": "VI", "cardNumber": "4111111111111111", "cardHolderName": "Sherlock Holmes", "expireDate": "119" }, "loyaltyAccount": { "programCode": "BW", "accountId": "1234567890123457" }, "corpAccount": { "corpProgramCode": "CR", "corpId": "A-1232" }, "promoteCode": "string", "guests": [ { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Bond", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "string", "address": "string", "age": 0, "gender": "Male", "birthday": "2018-01-01", "type": "Adult", "index": 1 } ], "comments": [ "no smoking", "high floor" ], "roomRates": [ { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01", "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": [ 100, 100, 120 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 110, 110, 130 ], "mealPlan": "RO", "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 0, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ], //addon start here "bookingChannel": "string", "productAddons": [ { "type": "DisneyTicket", "code": "code", "date": "2018-01-01", "quantity": 1, "officeId": "string", "rate": { "ageQualifyingType": { "type": "Adult", "minAge": 18, "maxAge": 99 }, "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": 123.23, "amountAfterTax": 134.34 } } ], //addon end "threeDomainSecurity": { "cavv": "string", "eci": "string", "xid": "string", "threeDomainSecurityVersion": "string", "transactionId": "string", "merchantName": "string", "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }, "bookingToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c", "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
5.修改API- 订单修改接口中会包含产品 Addon 信息
注意事项: 关于修改迪士尼预订,请不要更改每个房间的第一位客人信息,否则预订将无法成功修改。
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "reservationIds": { "distributorResId": "C2084DFL0", "derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF", "supplierResId": "89389494" }, "iata": "string", "hotelId": "GATHI", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2018-01-01", "checkout": "2018-01-04" }, "contactPerson": { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Bond", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "string", "address": "string" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "total": { "amountBeforeTax": 640, "amountAfterTax": 700 }, "payment": { "cardCode": "VI", "cardNumber": "4111111111111111", "cardHolderName": "Sherlock Holmes", "expireDate": "119" }, "loyaltyAccount": { "programCode": "BW", "accountId": "1234567890123457" }, "corpAccount": { "corpProgramCode": "CR", "corpId": "A-1232" }, "promoteCode": "string", "guests": [ { "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Bond", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "string", "address": "string", "age": 0, "gender": "Male", "birthday": "2018-01-01", "type": "Adult", "index": 1 } ], "comments": [ "no smoking", "high floor" ], "roomRates": [ { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01", "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": [ 100, 100, 120 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 110, 110, 130 ], "mealPlan": "RO", "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 0, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ], //addon start here "bookingChannel": "string", "productAddons": [ { "type": "DisneyTicket", "code": "code", "date": "2018-01-01", "quantity": 1, "officeId": "string", "rate": { "ageQualifyingType": { "type": "Adult", "minAge": 18, "maxAge": 99 }, "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": 123.23, "amountAfterTax": 134.34 } } ], //addon end "extensions": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } }
6.Query Res Detail API-产品Addon详细信息将通过Query Res Detail API返回。
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "reservations": [ { "reservationIds": { "distributorResId": "C2084DFL0", "derbyResId": "D15F893D34DF", "supplierResId": "89389494" }, "iata": "string", "hotelId": "GATHI", "stayRange": { "checkin": "2018-01-01", "checkout": "2018-01-04" }, "roomCriteria": { "roomCount": 2, "adultCount": 1, "childCount": 2, "childAges": [ 4, 8 ] }, "total": { "amountBeforeTax": 640, "amountAfterTax": 700 }, "loyaltyAccount": { "programCode": "BW", "accountId": "1234567890123457" }, "corpAccount": { "corpProgramCode": "CR", "corpId": "A-1232" }, "promoteCode": "string", "comments": [ "no smoking", "high floor" ], "roomRates": [ { "roomId": "K1D", "rateId": "ODAD01", "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": [ 100, 100, 120 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 110, 110, 130 ], "mealPlan": "RO", "paymentType": "PayNow", "guarantee": { "guaranteeType": "CCG" }, "fees": [ { "dateRange": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04" }, "fee": { "name": "Service Charge", "type": "Exclusive", "amount": 10, "amountType": "Percent", "chargeType": "PerRoomPerNight", "paymentType": "PayNow", "effectivePerson": 0 } } ], "cancelPolicy": { "code": "AD100P_100P", "description": "Non Refundable", "cancelPenalties": [ { "noShow": true, "cancellable": true, "cancelDeadline": { "offsetTimeDropType": "BeforeArrival", "offsetTimeUnit": "D", "offsetTimeValue": 0, "deadline": "string" }, "penaltyCharge": { "chargeBase": "FullStay", "nights": 0, "amount": 0, "percent": 0 } } ] } } ], //addon start here "bookingChannel": "string", "productAddons": [ { "type": "Disney Ticket", "code": "code", "date": "2018-01-01", "quantity": 1, "officeId": "string", "rate": { "ageQualifyingType": { "type": "Adult", "minAge": 18, "maxAge": 99 }, "currency": "USD", "amountBeforeTax": 123.23, "amountAfterTax": 134.34 } } ], //addon end "status": "Confirmed", "cancellationId": "C89389494", "result": "Successful", "failCause": { "errorCode": "string", "supplierErrorCode": "string", "errorMessage": "string" } } ] }
7. Product Addon APIs - 这是新增的 API,请参阅开发指南
8. ARI Push API - Pull 渠道可以跳过此步
注意事项: 对于Disney的对接, 请确保实现以下两个特性: ① FPLOS Restriction ② Extra Child Rate
{ "header": { "supplierId": "HILTON", "distributorId": "GTA", "version": "v4", "token": "18393849028490234" }, "messageType": "Delta", "hotelId": "GATHI", "dateRange": { "startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-04" }, "currency": "USD", "dailyAris": [ { "roomId": "K1", "rateId": "BARB", "mealPlans": [ "BB", "BB", "BB", "BB" ], "inventories": [ 9, 0, 9, 9 ], "rates": { // extra child rates "extraChildRates": [ { "amountAfterTax": [ 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00 ], "amountBeforeTax": [ 40.00, 40.00, 40.00, 40.00 ], "maxAge": "2", "minAge": "0" }, { "amountAfterTax": [ 60.00, 60.00, 60.00, 60.00 ], "amountBeforeTax": [ 50.00, 50.00, 50.00, 50.00 ], "maxAge": "8", "minAge": "3" }, { "amountAfterTax": [ 70.00, 70.00, 70.00, 70.00 ], "amountBeforeTax": [ 60.00, 60.00, 60.00, 60.00 ], "maxAge": "17", "minAge": "9" } ], "type": "OccupancyRate", "rates": [ { "adultCount": 1, "amountBeforeTax": [ 502.19, 502.19, 502.19, 502.19 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 623.23, 623.23, 623.23, 623.23 ] }, { "adultCount": 2, "amountBeforeTax": [ 520.19, 520.19, 520.19, 520.19 ], "amountAfterTax": [ 641.23, 641.23, 641.23, 641.23 ] } ] }, "availStatuses": { "close": [ false, false, false, false ], "minStayArrival": [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ], "maxStayArrival": [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ], "minStayThrough": [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ], "maxStayThrough": [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ], "minAdvanceDay": [ 0, 2, 0, 0 ], "maxAdvanceDay": [ 365, 365, 365, 365 ], "cta": [ false, false, false, true ], "ctd": [ false, false, false, true ], // fplos restriction "fplos": [ "1111111", "1001111", "1000001", "0000000" ] }, "rateChangeIndicators": [ true, false, true, false ] } ] }
GO 遵循数据透传原则即从酒店供应商获取餐食计划,然后提供给渠道。但当迪士尼未提供餐食计划时,GO 设置默认餐食代码 RO 并提供给渠道。以下为当前迪士尼的餐食计划列表。
餐食计划代码 | 描述 |
QS | Disney Quick Service Dining Plan |
DP | Disney Dining Plan |
DPP | Disney Dining Plan Plus |
XD | Disney Deluxe Dining Plan |
QSM | Disney Quick Service Meal |
访问 Disney官网 获取更多信息。
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