
The cancellation Policy determines the penalty that will be charged to guests when they cancel a booking within a certain time frame before the scheduled arrival date. This penalty is usually related to either a no-show (when the guests don't arrive as scheduled) or a specified time range before the potential no-show.

Here's a more detailed breakdown of the cancellation policy:

  1. Advance Time Range: The policy typically specifies a time range before the scheduled arrival date within which a guest can cancel their booking without penalty.
  2. Penalty for Late Cancellation: The hotel may charge a penalty if a guest cancels their booking after the specified advance time range. The penalty can vary depending on the hotel and the specific terms of the booking.
  3. No-Show Penalty: In cases where a guest doesn't show up for their reservation without canceling in advance, the hotel may charge a no-show penalty. This penalty is often equivalent to the cost of one night's stay or a percentage of the total booking cost.

Time Range

  • No-Show: When guests don't cancel the booking or cancel it after the arrival day. Most hotels define the no-show time as 12 AM - 10 AM of the next day of arrival. The last penalty without an advance day is the penalty of no-show.

  • Deadline on arrival day: Many hotels have a deadline on the arrival day and apply different penalties when guests cancel their booking after the deadline. The deadline format is [1-12] AM/PM, e.g., 12 AM or 6 PM. The default deadline is 12 AM.

  • Advance day: The format is 1D, 2D, 7D, or AD. 1D means 24 hours before the ‘Deadline’. AD means unlimited advance days.

  • Timezone: The timezone of the deadline or advance day is the hotel's local timezone.

Penalty Types

  • Percentage. Charge based on a percentage of the room stay, e.g., 80P (80%) or 100P (100%).

  • Amount. Charge a fixed amount, e.g., $120, $245.75.

  • Nights. Charge based on the number of nights, e.g., 1N or 2N.


  1. [AD20_7D50_3D1N_1D50P_6PM0D80P_100P] (check-in on 2016-10-15, booked on 2016-09-01).

    • [100P] Penalty of no-show, charge 100% of the booking cost if guests don't cancel the booking and don't arrive at the hotel.

    • [6PM0D80P] Charge 80% of the room stay if the booking is canceled between 2016-10-15 18:00 and 2016-10-16 00:00.

    • [1D50P] Charge 50% of the room stay if the booking is canceled between 2016-10-14 18:00 and 2016-10-15 18:00. 

    • [3D1N] Charge the first night of the stay if the booking is canceled between 2016-10-12 18:00 and 2016-10-14 18:00./p>

    • [7D50] Charge $50 if the booking is canceled between 2016-10-08 18:00 and 2016-10-12 18:00.

    • [AD20] Charge $20 if the booking is canceled after the booking date(2016-09-01) until 2016-10-08 18:00.

  2. [3D1N_100P]

    • [100P] Penalty of no-show, charge 100% of the booking cost if guests don't cancel the booking and don't arrive at the hotel.

    • [3D1N] Charge the first night of the stay if the booking is canceled less than 3 days before check-in day and no charges if canceled in advance than 3 days.

  3. [AD100P_100P]: Non-Refundable.

  4. [0]/[AD0_0]: Free Cancel, both 0 and AD0_0 represent free cancel.

  5. [3D75P_1D1N_6PM0D50_1N] (check-in on 2015-10-10,  the deadline is marked as 6 PM)

    • [1N] Penalty of no-show, charge the first night of the stay.

    • [6PM0D50] Charge $50 if canceled between 2015-10-10 18:00 and 2015-10-11 00:00

    • [1D1N] Charge the first night of the stay between 2015-10-09 18:00 and 2015-10-10 18:00

    • [3D75P] Charge 75% of room rates for the whole stay between 2015-10-07 18:00 and 2015-10-09 18:00